A company specializing in metal materials and processing CS Metal is a company specializing in metal materials and processing
that supplies materials and parts of home appliances such as Samsung Electronics.


CS metal has an objective and
fair recruitment process to secure excellent talents

Recruitment Process

Talent Fostering System


Fostering Leaders
  • Diagnosis & feedback based on the best fit leadership by organization
  • Leadership education and customized coaching to assist roles

Next-Generation Leader

Preemptive Fostering of
Next-Generation Leaders
  • Early selection and fostering of excellent talents with future growth potentials
  • A preemptive and systematic fostering program to foster next higher class leaders

Members' Competency

Members' Capacity
Building Support
  • Systematic fostering of necessary capacity of each rank
  • Developing expertise in each job group
  • Building capacity for future growth in long-term training programs